Living Whenuapai is an environmental restoration group that has been active in the Whenuapai area since 2016. Our initial restoration project was Waimarie Beach Reserve which has now been almost fully restored to native vegetation.
We also co-ordinate predator control in the Whenuapai community, being part of the Predator Free NZ 2050 movement. This involves 3 monthly bait or trap ‘pulsing’ in the community and also rat, stoat and possum trapping in local reserves and around the Whenuapai Air base.
Our Vision is: Empowered communities caring for each other and the environment.
Our Core Themes of our Strategic Plan are:
People and nature / Love your backyard
People and community / Love your community
Environmental restoration and enhancement / Caring for your place
Ecological connectivity / Enhance North-West Wildlink.
As Whenuapai becomes increasingly developed and urbanised it is important that Living Whenuapai works with our community and Auckland Council to ensure there are enough green and open spaces for people, birds and other wildlife to flourish. And, in accordance with Kaitiakitanga, or guardianship, we wish to work with our community to enhance and restore our native reserves and public spaces, to be the stepping stones of the North-West Wildlink and create a place for all to flourish.
if you want to find out more or get in touch then please send us an email
or check out our Facebook page