Meet the team
Our mahi (work) is guided by an amazing group of volunteers who make up our Governance and Operational Teams. The diverse and extensive skill sets that they offer ensure that we have robust, meaningful and respectful discussions, guided by the common interest in a thriving natural environment.
Governance Team

Tim Johnson
Tim's passion for the environment has developed through his love of the family holiday block in Coromandel.
After seeing introduced pests destroy both native and endemic flora and fauna, the time came to do something about it. His passion is working towards Pest Free 2050 by supporting local groups practically and at a strategic level.

Charissa Snijders
As a resident of Herald Island, surrounded by water, Charissa has seen first hand the destruction of the local environment. An award winning Registered Architect, Charissa brings her understanding of the complex living environment and the need for regenerative practice.
Charissa is a strong advocate for freshwater protection and positive action to regenerate natural systems.

Les Wootton
Pest animal trapping is a passion for Les and he volunteers his time across a number of sites through North Auckland.
Les is an active member of Restore teh Landing, assisting in the regeneraion of riparian habitats alongside Oteha Stream.

Nicky Shave
A public health expert by training, Nicky is passionate about the social impacts of environmental change.
Nicky is leading the groundbreaking and award winning project at Rosedale Park, working closely with local iwi, academics, businesses and intergenerational groups. This collaborative approach is breaking the mould for urban regeneration projects.
Operational Team

Jan Diprose
Nursery Niche
Jan has been caring for the Herald Island environment since 1993 and is a key leader in the Herald Isaland Environmental Group since it's inception in 2016
Jan leads the group's project "Bringing back the Birds" and continues to work tirelessly to eradicate pest plants and increase the stock of native plants on the island.

Annette Mitchell
Annette is the coordinator of Living Whenuapai which cares for a number of local reserves in the area. With pest plant and animal control in place, the volunteer team are making huge improvements to the ecological value of public land.
Annette is also passionate about protecting the land for future generations and advocates for the protection of water and land.

Nicholas Mayne
Nursery Niche
Nicholas has been caring for his local park, Unsworth Reserve, since 2006 and is part of the Christian Conservation group A Rocha. He was the original instigator and convenor of this group and has been an active member ever since.
Nicholas grows thousands of locally sourced, native plants in his backyard which are shared with other groups in UWEN.

Nicola Robertson
Workplan Coordinator
Nicola is the EcoFacilitator for Greenhithe Community Trust and enjoys empowering and supporting the residents to care for Greenhithe's environment, whether it be in their backgardens or in our treaures local reserves.
Nicola also supports the Network Manager and Pest Coordinator roles in her capacity as Workplan Manager.

Savannah Carter-Green
Steering Group member
Savannah is an actve member of Sustainable Paremoremo and her passion is for food production. She is currently working on the curation and development of a heritage tree orchard in Paremoremo and is an active member of the Kai Rākau group.
Pest animal control is a key part of this work to protect both plants and the fruit they produce.
Our Team
The mahi (work) of our volunteers is supported and enhanced through the efforts of our valued team members

Rachael Pates
Network Manager
Rachael has a degree in Environment Management and a passion for working with and alongside community and volunteer groups.
Rachael provides generalised suppport to UWEN groups drawing on her varied work experience.

Louis Foot
Pest Coordinator
Louis studied Environmental Management at Dunedin University. He has been involved with trapping and habitat restoration for the yellow eyed penguin.
Louis supports UWEN with his knowledge and skills in pest animal and plant control